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Statistical Standards Program

Restricted-Use Data Procedures Manual

The Restricted-Use Data Procedures Manual provides a guide to the restricted-use data application process and to the laws and regulations governing these data. This Manual must be reviewed by organizations interested in obtaining restricted-use data and by those licensed organizations who currently have access to restricted-use data.

We hope that this Manual answers any questions or concerns you may have regarding obtaining access to restricted-use data.


  • This Manual serves as a procedures guide, but it does not replace the legal provisions contained in the actual License Document and in the required security procedures.
  • The licensee is responsible for all terms and provisions contained within the License Document and the Security Plan form.
  • Under no circumstances may any restricted-use data be removed or electronically transferred from the Licensee's secure project site.
  • Licensees are subject to unannounced, unscheduled inspections to assess compliance with requirements.

  • Violations of the Education Sciences Reform Act confidentiality statute incorporated into the License Document are subject to a class E felony and possible imprisonment for up to five years, and/or a fine of up to $250,000.