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Title: Effects of Energy Needs and Expenditures on U.S. Public Schools
Description: This report provides national estimates on energy needs and expenditures of U.S. public school districts. The survey provides estimates of Fiscal Year (FY) 2000 energy expenditures, FY 2001 energy budgets and expenditures, and FY 2002 energy budgets; methods used to cover energy budget shortfalls in FY 2001, and possible reasons for those shortfalls. The survey also explored the cost-saving measures that school districts took in FY 2000, FY 2001, and FY 2002. Finally, the survey examined the extent to which the chief financial officer of the school district (or other district respondent) perceived the school district succeeded in reducing energy usage and cost per unit. The nationally representative sample of approximately 1,000 regular school districts was selected from the 1999–2000 Common Core of Data Local Education Agency Universe file.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: May 2003
Web Release: June 3, 2003
Print Release:
Publication #: NCES 2003018
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Center/Program: NCES
Type of Product: Statistical Analysis Report
Survey/Program Areas: Education Finance Statistics Center (EDFIN)
Fast Response Survey System (FRSS)
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